Tuesday, September 05, 2006

I see your hair is burning

Good and bad times at the Army Reunion in Louisville, Kentucky. My dad ("Granddad") had an Army reunion for WWII veterans, families, and friends so my whole family decided to go. I was gonna go last year, being so big into the 40's time capsule, but was tired and didn't. So this year the family went. Granddad had someone he wanted me to meet...he thinks about fixing me up with his pals' sons often but nothing ever comes of it, but good things come to those who wait: the guy's very nice, but he's only 19!! Geez, Dad!!??! So that part was very fun, and the swimming, the visiting with family, the drinking and not driving, the wearing of vintage clothes and accessories by me and people saying how cute I looked, and some other nice memories.. The bad part was Granddad being a cantakerous old fart, and lucky me, he insisted on sharing a room with me only because only I can take good care of him, not my sis and her hubby so's I could bunk with my Mom who I rarely get to see...Oh, well, there's a special place reserved for me, in Hell. I hope it smells better than our hotel room! The Louisville Downtown Marriott is beautiful, if a little cramped. Wheelchair didn't make it any easier. Obviously my hubby wasn't invited on this trip, even if he had been able to make it from Texas.
I get all choked up and patriotic about the 10th Armored Division and veterans and the flag and military music and all that stuff, so I enjoyed that part of it but Dad thought it was corny. We visited the Patton museum at Fort Knox. They had a nice ceremony for the veterans. I missed the pugs, though!!!


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