Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Kent State massacre

Last night Tim told my Dad he'd stolen the credit card and forged Dad's name, boo-hoo. Dad is going to bail out Tim, the white trash scum puddle. I only hope I am wrong in that not only are we not going to get our money back, he is going to steal from us again. Dad says then if he does, he is going to jail. My Dad is nice. Tim counts on this.
Thinking of Jeff, Dustin and Kathy today more than usual, the late weird Harold, Germano, and all the other Kent Staters who were there, and those who were not there.
So, no I didn't go to open jam last night. Now Dad and I feel sick and Tim is whistling Dixie at work. Probably treating himself to a nice big Wegman's sub, possibly his girlfriend joining him at the table? using the 1 credit card I ever did allow him to use, which incidentally he won't give back. Oh yeah and when I asked him to leave he wouldn't go. He slept very well, bless his heart. Online poker doesn't accept that credit card. He couldn't get the lawn mower to start yesterday. Have to laugh. I can't call in to work though.


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