Monday, May 30, 2005

Wish this never happened

Wish he'd never stolen anything and gambled. Then he wouldn't have to be gone for 4 years. Oh I know there are weekend leaves. Gives me an upset tummy thinking about it all.
Dad was sick all night and slept all day too, so he missed church and GEVA. He's pretty chipper, especially after I fixed him a nice bowl of soup, some toast the way he likes it and that most refreshing of liquids after you've had diarrhea, ice water. We all watched a cheesy segment on Romania on 60 minutes (I just finished listening to LOST by Aycliff yesterday) and then I went to work.
Unlocking the door I had to disable the alarm in the dark. What th'..... Fuse hadn't been turned off by the cleaner; there were a couple or three light fixtures on, the default ones I guess. Seems like the Town of Greece is finally saving energy, but John can you let us do it ourselves and have the switch at the library instead of at Town Hall? It was still twilight so I could see to collect some of those reading lamps I remembered were in the reference room. Houdini must have installed them though but I finally got 2 unhooked out of trying 12. Now to find plugs in the workroom lol. It was cozy and nicely lit. Listening to a book on tape while working is great enjoyment for me. Chan stayed home both days because Tim's been borrowing the car I use and I drove Dad's car and didn't want stiff bristly pug fur all over it. Shangri-La stayed home for same reason except her shedding would be ori-pei winter coat that she hates getting brushed out. Got back to Rochester around 1 A.M. Looked at new Burda sewing magazine (hey it only arrived Saturday) then went to bed.
Tim did get a tire from his dad so he will have it replaced. His bad luck: it blew out. His good luck: he was only a mile from home and not on 490. So I am without a car but that is ok because even though Jo-Ann's is having a sale I can't afford to buy anything yet, I've lent Tim too much money. Now to repair the co-worker's shorts.


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