What are you doing for the Queen's birthday?
Going to the Greek Festival, I hope.
The more I think about it (uh-oh) the more I am certain they had sex. Why wouldn't a guy who steals his own wife's credit card cheat on her sexually too? A guy doesn't i m a woman that way unless they have had sex, does he? Maybe I can talk my way out of my thoughts by reminding myself she is a sleaze and this is how guys talk to sleazy broads. I don't like thinking such thoughts. I don't like to be subjected to these people. Icky white trash.
No one at Wegman's is even giving him a going away party, the skunks. It is an outrage.
He is jealous that my 3 or 4 friends who were out last night like me and he spent most of his time keeping me from them. Or them from me haha.
Tim said Logan was afraid to join the conference because he didn't want to be in the middle of Liz and me getting in a fight. Yah. He probably said to Tim: Dude WTF you chatting with another chick while you are married to a hot one now you moron. No wonder your wife is concerned. And some other swear words haha.
I guess she is drunk all the time, so Tim says. How's he know? Gee whiz, I don't get to talk that much to co-worker friends while at work. Hmmmm, must have been some extra-curricular activities. What an ass he is and what a jerk I am for believing him.
I am so angry he is leaving for 4 and a half years because of a few hours of some stupid online gambling. He stole more than I made last year. Lost it of course, duh.
Look on the bright side: I won't have to hear his lying in person anymore.
Oh dear, what if he gets kicked out of the Army?
Logan wouldn't even pay Tim's way into the club last night. Tim must have been to Liz' house (or apartment or trailer) because he said she doesn't drive (verrry interrrresting) and he wasn't going to invite her out with the 3 of us because he would have to drive the hell all the way over there. Then he changed the subject before I thought to ask Over where and how do you know? I don't really know where my friends from work live. Oh that's right I'm not having an affair with any of them, they are all women, except for the gay guy and I know vaguely where he lives because I dropped him off a few times. See?
I don't want Tim to go, I want to work on our marriage. Now we will just have to work on it from afar. It can be done.
It was really nice walking around Midtown yesterday, oops I forget to go to Peeble's and get Dad the socks he likes. Wish I'd had more time but I didn't want Tim to be alone in the house. As it was I got home 10 minutes before he did, whew. I would have looked more in the Hallmark store and in Jeff's Books. The girl at the dollar store was very nice. Why isn't everyone cheerful at their work?
At the doctor's Friday I discovered our bathroom scale is off by 10 pounds. And that I can go ahead and participate in the sleep research study for the University of Rochester. Sad won't go to that doctor anymore when I'm on Army medical insurance. :(
So you see I am accustomed to living in a dream world. I only wish it were not such a nightmare.
Poor Tim, he's so screwed up.
The more I think about it (uh-oh) the more I am certain they had sex. Why wouldn't a guy who steals his own wife's credit card cheat on her sexually too? A guy doesn't i m a woman that way unless they have had sex, does he? Maybe I can talk my way out of my thoughts by reminding myself she is a sleaze and this is how guys talk to sleazy broads. I don't like thinking such thoughts. I don't like to be subjected to these people. Icky white trash.
No one at Wegman's is even giving him a going away party, the skunks. It is an outrage.
He is jealous that my 3 or 4 friends who were out last night like me and he spent most of his time keeping me from them. Or them from me haha.
Tim said Logan was afraid to join the conference because he didn't want to be in the middle of Liz and me getting in a fight. Yah. He probably said to Tim: Dude WTF you chatting with another chick while you are married to a hot one now you moron. No wonder your wife is concerned. And some other swear words haha.
I guess she is drunk all the time, so Tim says. How's he know? Gee whiz, I don't get to talk that much to co-worker friends while at work. Hmmmm, must have been some extra-curricular activities. What an ass he is and what a jerk I am for believing him.
I am so angry he is leaving for 4 and a half years because of a few hours of some stupid online gambling. He stole more than I made last year. Lost it of course, duh.
Look on the bright side: I won't have to hear his lying in person anymore.
Oh dear, what if he gets kicked out of the Army?
Logan wouldn't even pay Tim's way into the club last night. Tim must have been to Liz' house (or apartment or trailer) because he said she doesn't drive (verrry interrrresting) and he wasn't going to invite her out with the 3 of us because he would have to drive the hell all the way over there. Then he changed the subject before I thought to ask Over where and how do you know? I don't really know where my friends from work live. Oh that's right I'm not having an affair with any of them, they are all women, except for the gay guy and I know vaguely where he lives because I dropped him off a few times. See?
I don't want Tim to go, I want to work on our marriage. Now we will just have to work on it from afar. It can be done.
It was really nice walking around Midtown yesterday, oops I forget to go to Peeble's and get Dad the socks he likes. Wish I'd had more time but I didn't want Tim to be alone in the house. As it was I got home 10 minutes before he did, whew. I would have looked more in the Hallmark store and in Jeff's Books. The girl at the dollar store was very nice. Why isn't everyone cheerful at their work?
At the doctor's Friday I discovered our bathroom scale is off by 10 pounds. And that I can go ahead and participate in the sleep research study for the University of Rochester. Sad won't go to that doctor anymore when I'm on Army medical insurance. :(
So you see I am accustomed to living in a dream world. I only wish it were not such a nightmare.
Poor Tim, he's so screwed up.
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